EcoEnterprises Fund provides growth capital to small businesses in rapidly expanding sectors, such as organic agriculture, (e.g. apiculture, aquaculture, biopesticides, agricultural-focused technology and food systems), aquaculture, innovative food systems, ecotourism, sustainable forestry, and wild-harvested forest products that have proven to generate solid and profitable livelihoods for rural communities who are an integral part of protecting the earth’s natural assets. Companies of this size employ the largest number of local peoples and have the capacity to create the economic engine to truly drive change. EcoEnterprises Fund fills a void in the market by offering tailored venture financing to spur performance while engaging as a strategic partner to strengthen returns and impact. Founded under the umbrella of The Nature Conservancy, EcoEnterprises Fund became an independent investment manager in 2010 with the successful launch of its second fund, EcoEnterprises Partners II, L.P., which builds on the experience and track record of the first fund, Fondo EcoEmpresas, S.A., (EcoEnterprises Fund I). Source: EcoEntrerprises Fund. Retrieved from:
Exploring the Eco Enterprises Fund – A venture fund for nature
Posted in Biodiversity Investment Vehicles and tagged Eco Enterprises Fund.