Applications are open at the Finance for Change Bootcamp at Impact Hub Berlin

On December 2nd and 3rd 2016 Impact Hub Berlin is hosting the second Finance for Change Bootcamp. Application is open until November 20th. If you want to participate or know collegues or friends who would be interested we’d love it if you could point them to the opportunity!

The Bootcamp is a two day hands-on learning experience for investors and intermediaries that delivers practical, actionable and relevant knowledge on impact-oriented investing and finance. Trainers for the second F4C Bootcamp are reputable practitioners from the world of social finance and impact investing: Rod Schwartz, Karim Harji, Lena Gansterer, Markus Freiburg, Young-jin, Björn Struwer und Anja König. The Finance for Change Bootcamp is a cooperation between Impact Hub Berlin, Social Impact Markets and Roots of Impact. More information in the attached PDF and under: